With the economy back on the rise, many young and middle-aged professionals are finally ready to settle into their first new luxury apartment. While apartment hunting is a sport many have participated in, searching for your dream luxury apartment is a whole different ballgame.
The first step in looking for any piece of real estate (houses, lofts or apartments), whether you?re renting or buying, is to figure out if you want to enlist the help of a real estate agent. Considering the financial nature that encompasses a luxury piece of real estate, having an agent help you navigate the market is a good idea. They are professionals who are trained and prepared to help you during a potentially difficult, confusing and stressful time.
Next, before you officially rent an apartment or rent a loft, you?ll want to make a list of the qualities you?re looking for in your new luxury apartment. What is most important to you? What aspects of your current apartment living situation could you not live without? What kind of things would you like to have in your next apartment that you don?t have now? Knowing the answers to these questions will give you and your real estate agent a better idea of what to look for when lining up potential spaces.
With more than one-third of Americans choosing to rent their living space, apartment rental is a solid option for those who want to avoid the fluctuation of home prices and long-term commitments. It also helps that luxury apartments are often much more affordable to rent than buy.
Once you?ve figured out what you want your new luxury apartment to feature on the inside, think next about what you want the exterior of your space to include. Do you need a parking space for your car or do you ride the bus? Is parking covered or on the street? Do you want an elevator or do you enjoy a walk-up? Are there specific areas that you?d like to be within walking distance of? Would you rather be in a rural area than a metropolis or vice versa?
Once you?ve outlined everything you?re looking and hoping for (within reason), it?s time to start looking. While you?re unlikely to find something that checks off every item on your list, try to find the fun in looking for real estate. Many hope to get the process over with as soon as possible, but it can be an adventure if approached as such.