Custom Built Homes For the Growing Family

Housing development

Are you considering buying a new home to better suit your growing family? Many families make the decision to upgrade after finding out they are pregnant. The baby will require their own room, movement space throughout the home, and a big backyard to play in. If you in the market for a new home because of your growing family, keep the following real estate tips in mind.

Estimate your future family needs
It would be impossible to sell and purchase a new home every time a new baby comes. Instead, it can be helpful to estimate your future family needs Although this is not always guaranteed, it can give you a better idea of the size of family you are expecting. If you desire a large family, consider buying a larger house with more bedrooms. If this will be your only child, you might not need something as large. You will also want to think about number of bathrooms, yard size, and living space.

Find something that is move in ready
You can sometimes find discounts on homes that require work. However, many of these homes are not move in ready and numerous projects must be completed before it is safe for living. Some of these needed repairs can be especially dangerous. About 34% of recent buyers who purchased new homes were looking to avoid renovations and problems with plumbing or electricity. Buying a new home with a baby on the way is not the best time to take on a large home construction project. You have enough to do to prepare for the baby. Finding a home that is move in ready will ease the process.

Determine the energy efficiency of the home
Once you have narrowed down your possible houses choices, you will also want to factor in a home?s energy efficiency rating. About 48% of buyers interested in brand new homes cite energy efficiency as their most desired feature. An energy efficient home will ensure that your HVAC unit is always working, keeping the new baby comfortable and safe. It will also reduce your monthly utility bills, which may be important as one or both parents are away from work for months after the baby.

Evaluate the school district
It may not occur to you to evaluate the school district if you do not currently have any children of school age. However, in a couple of years, your child will be attending the school within your home?s school district. It is important to find a home within a community with a school district that you feel comfortable with. You will also want to look at the neighboring community, the local parks, and the overall feel of the community.

Consider custom built homes
Are you struggling to find the perfect home for your growing family? Are you running out of time as the babies arrival time gets closer and closer? You are likely to find many advantages to purchasing custom built homes. Custom built homes are made with your individual family needs in mind. You can specify the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and living spaces. You can even have designs added in for a complete move in ready home. With 52% of home buyers citing finding the right property as the most difficult part of buying a home, custom built homes could be the solution.

Additionally with custom built homes, your home will be move in ready. It will also be made up with the safest and most energy efficient materials. You will not have to worry about lead paint, poorly wired electrical work, or faulty plumbing. You can spend your time worrying about what is important, your new baby.

Expecting a new baby is a common cause of purchasing a new home. New babies require added room and better communities. As you shop for your new house with baby in progress, remember to choose something that is energy efficient, move in ready, and will meet your future family desires. Choosing to purchase custom built homes may be the best option for a growing family.

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