Do You Need Help Selling A House? It’s Time To Hash Out Ideas With Your Friendly Real Estate Agent

Do you need help selling a house? What about diving into the big world of purchasing?

Real estate may seem convoluted, but it’s anything but. Like any other industry it thrives on hard data and the dreams of people, brought to life by your hard work. Perhaps you have a home for sale that just isn’t getting the attention it needs to. You could also be applying for your first stint as a homeowner, even though mortgage all sounds like a bunch of Greek. Talking with a real estate agent is your surefire way to get settled into homeownership without further aches and pains.

Here are five simple questions you should ask your real estate agent, whether it’s for help selling a house or help purchasing one.

Are There A Lot Of First-Time Home Buyers?

You’ll be happy to know you’re far from alone on this issue. First-time home buyers, according to recent studies, account for nearly 35% of all home buyers. The past five years have also seen 15% of Americans purchasing a home, lending a new perspective to the myth that real estate is dead. Your real estate agent is keen on helping you avoid many of the pitfalls that stop new buyers from finding the house they need. Figuring out your mortgage, coming up with renovation ideas…it’s all in a day’s work!

How Should I Approach My Mortgage?

It’s important to get this out of the way early. Mortgage rates remain one of the most difficult issues for homeowners by a landslide. Some will choose too high in an effort to pay it all off sooner, which then is exacerbated when they fall on hard times and can’t make their monthly payments. Others can choose too low and end up in homeowner debt that affects their ability to pay for other dreams. It’s recommended by most professionals your mortgage be no higher than 20% of your monthly income.

What Are Popular Locations To Buy Homes?

Some places are more popular than others. That doesn’t mean you can’t be a trailblazer and find goodness in an unexpected place. Seattle remains one of the most popular cities to move to, prized for its proximity to the ocean and its thriving art scene. For those that are looking a little more broadly, Vermont and Idaho are also rather popular. A recent NerdWallet survey asked Americans about their thoughts on new homes, finding 75% of respondents stating buying a house is a big priority in their lives.

Which Methods Of Selling Homes Are Most Effective?

Let’s say you’re not even trying to purchase a home. You need to sell the one you’re in first. A major part of getting your home in the hearts and minds of others is being mindful of its presentation — this means improving its curb appeal, fixing any lingering issues with the foundation, and offering a good virtual tour. Studies have shown homes that have bright, crisp online photos were more likely to sell than those that didn’t. A real estate agent can further provide you help selling a house.

What Else Can Real Estate Agents Do For Me?

It all boils down to a professional who has seen this all before. Real estate agents always have an ear to the ground, keeping track of rent averages, neighborhood preferences, and nationwide trends. Bringing with you a list of questions will help make the first meeting shorter and more helpful. They can help you buy land or sell a house, with much less heartache than if you attempted on your own. Real estate isn’t always simple, but it doesn’t have to be quite so hard.

Dive into real estate with a friend by your side. Talk to a real estate agent when you need help selling a house or buying.

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