Any home’s interior needs proper furniture to make it a comfortable, practical living space for the whole family (or even a lone occupant). Furniture must be sturdy and in good condition, beds should be comfortable and not collapse, dressers must have enough room for storage, chairs should support the back, and so on. But not all homes end their furniture collection there; for homes with a sizeable back patio, furniture can really complete an outdoor area and make it somewhere to relax, gather in small groups, and even play board games together, have a meal, or anything else. There are more options for patio furniture than some may realize, and their accessories, too. Chairs and couches may have simple metal frames and tough covers, or they may have wooden frames and thicker padding and resemble indoor furniture more than some people may expect. Patio furniture cushion covers, such as couch slipcovers, bolster covers, 3 piece sectional couch covers, wing chair recliner slipcovers, and more can protect outdoor furniture from the elements and from family hazards like sharp objects or dog claws. Patio furniture cushion covers, in short, are key to making outdoor furniture last for years.
According to Better Homes and Gardens, patio furniture cushion covers are just one step to consider when buying new patio furniture or replacing existing, worn out pieces. A homeowner looking to set up a patio furniture array can start by simply envisioning what the outdoor space should look like, and what its purpose will be and in what weather. It could host parties and gatherings, or it could be a quiet, secluded place for one or two people to unwind and get away from daily life’s bustle and bustle. Choices such as this will affect what furniture is purchased and how it is arranged. A private outdoor place to read a book and smoke a cigar will not need a long table with ten seats, but a party area would need that. Once this vision is complete, a list of desired furniture can be drafted.
When buying patio furniture, a customer should test chairs and couches personally to make sure that they are comfortable and provide lumber support as well as looking nice. Padding on some chairs might be too thin, or the spine might not be cushioned well. And certain materials require less maintenance than others; teak, metal, cedar, and wicker pieces designed for all weather will not need constant upkeep. Different colors of fabric and wood can be chosen from based on taste and the natural setting, and some pieces will have different quality than others and may break down too soon, so customer reviews online are a good way to sort out better brands and materials from those that do not measure up. And sometimes, choosing a piece of furniture that can serve in more than one function can save both money and space.
Patio furniture cushion covers are the final factor to consider, and they should be acquired as soon as the furniture itself is bought and set up. Some pieces of furniture might in fact come with their own covers, but for those that do not, purchasing one separately will be an errand to undertake. After all, exposure to weather might wear out or damage even outdoor-designed fabric or metal, and no patio owner would want his or her furniture damaged and made useless or unattractive. Rain might soak into wood and cause it to rot and expand, and the water could ruin certain fabrics on cushions. Hail can easily dent and pit metal and wood and might even punch holes into cushions, and snow might melt and cause the same damage as water. Finally, constant sun exposure and its UV rays can fade and wear out fabric and might bleach the color from wood. To protect furniture from all these hazards, patio furniture cushion covers are essential to keeping any outdoor furniture set in good, usable condition for many years to come.