If you or a loved one are struggling to take care of yourself in your usual environment, you might consider adult assisted living as a possibility. An assisted living facility offers help with day-to-day life, plus some include medical care. Assisted living amenities will vary from facility to facility, but they can be a very comfortable and supportive environment for people who want to continue to live their lives but need some help in doing so. An alternative living facility might offer very basic help with tasks while others will be run like a hospital. So it is important to find one that fits your needs.
To find assisted care near me, read reviews of all the facilities in your area. Consider what they offer and how their residents live. Also consider your budget. You’ll want a place that is safe and comfortable. However, you might need extra care as well. Consider where you are struggling and how assisted living could help. Then look into places that specifically offer that kind of help for their residents.
What is the function of assisted living facilities? Many find themselves asking this question when a loved one is beginning to require additional assistance in their day-to-day life due to age or physical disability. While common stereotypes abound concerning lifeless environments and tasteless food, they couldn’t be further from the truth — nursing care facilities are highly specialized establishments designed from the ground up to provide its residents with the resources and healthcare they need to live a satisfied and fulfilling life. Memory care activities, in particular, are helpful for those suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Retirement Rates
A significant portion of the American population is aging, according to ongoing surveys, and will see the country going through multiple shifts to accommodate the changing demographics. The average age of retirement is around 63 years old, with nearly 75% of assisted living residents female and 25% male. Many of the elderly who seek out the benefits of assisted living facilities suffer from debilitating illnesses — studies have shown Alzheimer’s being the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, with one in three seniors passing away due to the disease or dementia.
Common Concerns

Due to ongoing misconceptions about the nature of assisted living facilities, there are multiple concerns in both potential residents and their family members concerning their day-to-day function. A study by Genworth Financial found more than half of all its respondents reporting their greatest fear regarding long-term care at a nursing home being a burden on the family, a concern five times higher than a fear of dying. More than three-fourths of assisted living residents have at least two of the 10 most common chronic conditions, ranging from high blood pressure to Alzheimer’s.
Common Illnesses
The most common illnesses in aging populations are Alzheimer’s, dementia, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Alzheimer’s is a particularly debilitating condition, as it cannot be prevented, slowed or cured by modern science. The hippocampus loses 5% of its nerve cells every decade, totaling up to a stunning 20% by the time an individual reaches their 80’s. Due to this, the brain itself shrinks and becomes less efficient through the aging process. Assisted care facilities offer memory care activities, which contribute to a more satisfying and enjoyable lifestyle.
Common Activities

Retirement homes offer a wealth of activities to keep its residents comfortable and emotionally secure. A study showed seniors reporting their most common activities being reading, at 71%, followed by pursuing religious activities. Additional activities included gardening, bicycling, talking on the phone, watching television, memory care activities and yoga. Another survey showed over 85% of all its independent living residents recommending their community to someone else, rating their satisfaction as either good or excellent. Caring for someone with dementia doesn’t have to be done alone, with the best rated assisted living facilities offering a wealth of options.
Assisted Living Facilities
Providing memory care activities and a thriving community, assisted care living facilities are an ideal option for individuals who need assistance in their day-to-day life. These residencies generally provide 24-hour supervision and regular meals — these services can range from more on-hand to more independent depending on the needs and desires of the individual in question. Additional services, such as transportation and social services, are par for the course in an assisted living facility. According to the 2009 Independent Living Report by the proMature Group, research has shown a retirement home benefiting its residents mentally and emotionally through an interconnected community. With around-the-clock healthcare and a supportive environment, assisted living facilities are just another step toward a fulfilling life.