Is Your Family in the Midst of a Major Transition?

It’s about to be a wrap for your house on the end of the circle in one of the cutest little neighborhoods. This is your crazy life:
The house sold in like three days thanks to one of the best realtors.
Your husband will be home on Wednesday and this ends your year and a half apart after he accepted a major job promotion next year.

The moving company is coming Thursday and Friday to pack the house, except for what you need for the upcoming graduation weekend.

Your youngest son’s graduation party is Friday night; Saturday is graduation.

Sunday you are hosting a bridal shower for your oldest niece and her soon to be husband.

Tuesday and Wednesday the movers are coming back to load the moving truck.

You close on the house sale on Thursday.

Friday, the last day of the month, you and your husband will head across state for the eight hour drive to your new home.

Your youngest son, the newest high school graudate is staying in town with his grandparents for the next month.

Your younger daughter will be home from college and off to work at one of the residential church camps again.

Your oldest daughter is currently in California rehearsing for her summer tour in Michigan with her professional music troupe.

What a great home this has been. You are so grateful for the 16 years in your cute dream house, the white house with the blue shutters and red brick front walk, that all faces our beautiful roundabout. Stay tuned for what everyone does next, because there is never a dull moment around here.

When it comes to moving, especially a fast transition, you need more than prayers for a smooth and painless transition. You need an organized plan. If you have time, one of the best ways to tackle a move is to number your moving boxes and keep a notebook where you can list the contents of each box. This detailed process makes things so much easier on the other end when you need to find certain items. For people who have had to move more times than they care to admit, it is always important to have an organized plan.

Self Storage Companies Offer a Number of Options
Perhaps even more important than thoughts, prayers, and a plan, what you really may need more than anything is an additional storage option. Whether you are looking for a boat storage garage, 24 hour access self storage garage, or other storage solutions, sometimes you really need a little extra room. Even during a quick move, you might find yourself looking for some extra space while you are working on a transition. Many home buyers and sellers do not have the advantage of having all selling and closing dates fall conveniently in place, so it is essential that you realize that there are many kinds of storage option. From long term boat storage garages to short term rental pods that can actually be serve as both a storage and moving option, there are many times when you can find exactly the kind of solution that you want.

Even when you are not moving, recreational vehicles can often take up a lot of space. Left outside in the elements, these vehicles may require a lot of maintenance. Storing these vehicles in a secure unit, however, will help owners avoid damage due to weather. And if recreational vehicles can suffer if left out in the elements, a boat can have even more problems. With the use of a boat storage garage or another kind of recreational vehicle storage solution, boat and RV owners can make sure that they are ready when the right kind of weather arrives.

The latest research indicates that the storage unit industry in the U.S. generates an estimated $22 billion in revenue. Part of this revenue is from people who are working on a major transition like a move, part of it is because there people who are looking for a boat storage garage or other very specific kinds of storage solutions.

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