Make a Difference in Your Community With American Red Cross Clothing Donations

Non-profit organizations provide valuable services to their communities as well as the country at large. On an annual basis, these organizations contribute $666.1 billion to the United States’ economy as well. Every year, approximately 70% of the United States’ population makes some type of donation to charities of their choice. While some individuals may make monetary donations, others will give of their time and expertise. Still others will donate used clothing, household textiles, and other items that can be worn again, repurposed, or recycled.

It’s interesting to note that on an annual basis, Americans will purchase 20 billion pieces of clothing and shoes. When averaged out, this is the equivalent of every person purchasing 68 garments and seven pairs of shoes a year. Even though many of these items may be worn on a regular basis, the Environmental Protection Agency reported that Americans literally throw away a substantial percentage of their clothes. This amounts to an average of ten pounds of clothing per person. Consequently, these items end up in the country’s landfills rather than being reused, recycled, or repurposed.

When people donate clothing instead of throwing it away, this makes a positive impact. American Red Cross clothing donations provide assistance to individuals, families, and communities in need. This organization, which operates every day of the year on a 24-hour basis, provides food, shelter, blankets, and life-giving blood during natural disasters and other under dire circumstances. When you make American Red Cross clothing donations, you are playing an important role in helping this charitable organization continue its work. Remember that you can also deduct the value of your donated items on your taxes as well.

Once your donations are ready, you can conveniently schedule a Red Cross clothing pick up. In addition to having these items collected at your home or office, you can also take them to a Red Cross donation center. Since GreenDrop collects donations on behalf of the American Red Cross and has drop-off sites located in many suburban areas, donating is a simple process. Furthermore, when you donate your items rather than throwing them away, you are making a positive impact on your community and the overall environment.

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