Social and Environmentally-Friendly Products From Organic Diapers to Ben Linens

Organic cotton towels

Many consumers prefer to purchase products from brands that demonstrate they care about social and environmental issues. This includes brands that not only engage in sustainable business practices, but whose products are themselves eco-friendly and sustainable. The way in which products are packaged also makes a significant difference with these types of consumers.

Unilever recently conducted an international study on this issue. The results showed that approximately 33% of consumers are purchasing products and services from brands that make a social and environmental difference. A recent poll with 1,000 Millennial consumers, for example, showed that 38% would “respond positively” to products that are friendly to the environment.

It’s interesting to note that in 2016, United States’ sales for organic non-food products increased by 8.8%. This includes the purchase of sustainable cotton bedding, towels, and other types of organic products such as eco-friendly diapers.

In addition to eco-friendly diapers, there are other sustainable products for infants, toddlers, and older children. This includes organic sheets, eco-friendly stuffed animals, and other eco-friendly toys. Another survey with more than 2,000 Americans revealed that 37.5% slept with a stuffed animal when they were a child. Now that stuffed animals are available in organic cotton and other sustainable materials, it’s highly likely that a large percentage of multi-generational adults will be purchasing these stuffed toys for the children in their lives.

When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep for individuals of all ages, the type of bed linens can make a significant difference. The National Sleep Foundation’s Bedroom Poll found that for many adults, the feel of the sheets is as important to having a good night’s sleep. This was the case with 85% of the participants within this particular study.

While each person’s sleep requirements may vary, it’s usually recommended that adults sleep for seven to nine hours a night. In the United States, however, surveys show that 42% of adults are sleeping less than the minimum recommendation of seven hours a night. Even though there are a variety of reasons for this, chances are that many of these individuals may not have comfortable beds, bedding, and pillows.

Since so many more Americans are aware of the benefits of sustainable products and practices, it’s likely that sales for organic products such as eco-friendly diapers will continue to increase. Furthermore, a larger percentage of consumers within the United States are spending more time conducting research and otherwise learning about brands that make a positive social and environmental impact. Given this, these are the brands that they will likely continue to purchase and support on social media sites.

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