Taking A Look At Buying And Selling Homes In The United States

You might be looking to sell your house for a number of different reasons. For one, you might simply want a different house. Your family might be growing or you might even be looking to downsize after your kids go away to college and leave the nest, so to speak. You might need to move for a job or even for school, should you decide to go back to it. There are many reasons that you would need to sell your home, and many ways to help this process along.

For example, hiring a real estate agent will be a hugely helpful step to take in the process of selling your house. A real estate agent will help you to understand the world of real estate in a way that you might not otherwise have been able to, as the top realtors will have a great deal of experience in the field. A skilled real estate agent can also give you a great deal of advice on preparing your home for sale.

For instance, a real estate agent might advise you to make a number of home renovations before placing your home on the market. This has been proven to raise the overall cost that your home sells for, meaning that such renovations and remodeling projects are likely to more than pay off in the long run. In fact, simply revamping your landscaping can raise the total resale price of your home by an astonishing fifteen percent. And simply painting your bathroom – or bathrooms – blue can increase the price your home sells for by as much has five thousand dollars, if not even more than that.

And as eighty three percent of home buyers are looking to purchase what is specifically marketed as a single family home, your real estate agent is likely to help you stage your home in a way that is very family friendly. Staging of a home involves moving around furniture and adding elements of decor that make your home look as inviting as possible to the target demographic. For families looking to buy single family homes, being able to picture themselves in that home is key, and proper staging can very much make that a reality.

It’s also important to note that many people will be looking for a number of specific things in the home that they buy, and so your real estate agent will be able to market your home to highlight many of these features. For instance, your home might be advertised as being in a walkable neighborhood if sidewalks are plentiful and playgrounds and public parks are accessible to members of the community. As more than half of all home owners want to live in neighborhoods that are walkable (especially Millennials with young children who want to give their kids ample space to play), a home that has been marketed as walkable is likely to be more than ideal.

Townhouses are also great to sell nowadays, as more than twenty percent of all millennials (twenty three percent of them, to be a little bit more exact) are looking to own a townhouse. A townhouse can be the ideal home to purchase for a number of reasons, many of them highly appealing to the population of first time home buyers, who are often, as mentioned and alluded to above, millennials.

For one thing, townhouses are likely to be considerably less expensive than other types of homes for sale here in the United States. But as they are still bigger than the typical apartment or condo, they can be the ideal starter home for just about any young couple or family. A real estate agent will be able to help you to stage your townhouse much in the same way that a real estate agent would help you to stage a more typical house, helping you to get your place of residence in the best possible shape, making it look as appealing is is humanly possible.

Buying and selling homes can be complicated and daunting, but an experienced real estate agent can help to make it much less so.

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