Are you weighing your options between private and public school for your children? If you aren’t aware of all the benefits of private school education, it makes sense to visit one or more in your area to learn more about its curriculum, extracurricular activities, and other important features. According to recent figures, there are 30,861 private schools currently operating within the United States. These schools are offering the best preparatory education to 5.3 million students from pre-Kindergarten through the 12th grade.
If you live in a large city, for example, it’s likely that there are more students enrolled in private than public schools. Recent data shows that private school enrollment tends to be 1.5 times higher than its public school counterparts. One of the reasons for this is that there are more private school options available. These campuses also tend to be smaller, have fewer students, and receive more one-on-one attention. Many parents also believe that their children are better supervised, thus safer, in a private school environment. Furthermore, they are also better able to focus on their studies and be part of a community.
There are, of course, different types of private schools. Some parents may, for example, prefer that their children attend religious or faith-based schools. This accounted for 80% of private schools during the 2011 and 2012 school year. A survey showed that 80% of the parents whose children were enrolled in private religious schools were “very satisfied” with the school.
It’s important to note that the parents whose children were enrolled in non-religious private schools during the 2011 to 2012 school year were also “very satisfied.” In some instances, these were schools that either enrolled all girls or all boys at a rate of two percent for each. Coeducational private schools were more common during this time period, however, and 96% of private school students were enrolled in these programs.
It’s clear that there are advantages of attending private schools. In addition to parents being able to choose faith-based schools for their children, they also have the option of choosing all-girls, all-boys, or co-educational schools. Among the many benefits of private school education include integrating technology into the curriculum. This will, of course, be age-specific. In addition to having computer labs, digital textbooks, and personal tablets, students will also have more exposure to the fine and performing arts.
Whether your child is just beginning school for the first time, or has been attending a public school and not excelling or working up to their potential, consider the benefits of private school education. Once you visit a local private school, you will be able to take a tour, ask questions, and learn more about the benefits of private school education. Since you want your child to have a positive educational experience, chances are that they will at a local private school.