Want to Gather Donations for Veterans? Use These 3 Ideas to Give with Care

Donations for non profit organizations

Are you interested in helping the nation’s former military members, but you’re unsure of how to start. Donations for veterans are vital in providing clothing, household goods, food, and furniture for those who have served in the U.S. military, but many people aren’t quite sure how to get started donating to charity. How can you make sure that what you give to veterans will count? Before gathering donations for veterans, make sure that you check for charities that meet these three requirements:

  • Find charities that help veterans and more. Not only do many charities seek donations for veterans, but they also focus on helping military families and their children as a whole. When one member of the family is deployed, charities can often fill some gaps with regard to providing clothing, furniture, and other essentials. So you’re not only giving donations to veterans — you’re also helping active duty military members and their families, too.
  • Start in your own backyard. One of the best ways to figure out which charity to give to is to find local charity organizations. If you already know that you want to give to a veterans’ charity, then figure out which ones are in your area. Giving clothing? Ask local charities if they are accepting these types of donations. You might even see a list of requested items, so make sure to go through your closets and basement for your castoffs.
  • Ask for donation pick up services. Gone are the days where donating to charity was difficult, especially for those who have plenty to give. Whether you only have a couple of bags of clothing or several large pieces of furniture, give your favorite charity a call and ask them to pick it up at your home.

Have more questions about how you can give to charity? Search for local veterans’ organizations in your area and ask them what they need. Thinking local rather than global may be the best way to begin giving — start small in order to make a big impact at home. If you want some suggestions on what to give or how to give, be sure to leave a comment below.

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