Why Heat Treatment Really Works for Bed Bugs

Thermal bed bug treatment

Have you had a bed bug infestation in your apartment complex, in a hotel room, or even in your home? One out of five Americans has experienced these invasive, biting critters — or they at least know of someone who has encountered them.

Dying Methods: Today’s bed bug populations are highly resistant to pesticides used for their demise all thanks to natural selection and adaptation strategies. Bed bugs can withstand a wide range of temperatures from nearly freezing to 122 degrees.

These highly resilient bugs should no longer be treated with chemicals because they will just come back within four to six weeks. Chemicals treatments are a dying method, as are other common household, DIY treatments.

You’re going to want bed bug heat treatment instead to get the job done.

What is bed bug heat treatment? This is a non-toxic bed bug treatment that can kill the bugs at every stage in their life, from egg to adult. Bed bug hatchlings are often so small that they can pass through a mattress’ stitch hole — but they can’t hide from the heat.

How bed bug heat treatment works: First, you will need to call up a thermal remediation services company so they can bring over their heavy-duty thermal remediation equipment.

The equipment includes large, industrial space heaters that literally fry the bed bugs and make them scurry out of their hiding places so the professionals can come in and simply vacuum up their carcasses. Easy enough, right?

The thermal heaters to kill bed bugs are then turned up to 140 degrees for two hours or 130 degrees for three hours just to make sure every single one of those blood-suckers is really dead.

Why bed bug heat treatment? This is a cost effective treatment and actually works. Heat treatment is also not harmful to you or your family members, or even pets and will allow you to return to your home the very same day.

However, keep in mind that all plastics, oil paintings, and other materials with a melting point above 130 degrees should be removed from the room in which the heaters are to be installed. There is no need to remove and upholstery or drapes.

Heat remediation costs: With bed bugs laying anywhere from one to five eggs (500 in a lifetime!) in a single day, you’re going to want something that works, no matter what the cost. The entire heat remediation process will take around 8 hours to fully complete; this includes set-up, heating period, dead bug roundup, and tear-down of equipment. Basically, you will be at work for this entire process.

Costs vary depending on what your goal is. To purchase the heaters yourself, expect to pay around $50,000 for the equipment. Or you can rent the machines at an hourly fee that may vary depending on location. The cheapest way would be to hire a professional to do it for you. Reference links: thermination.com

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