As Streaming Services Launch in Australia, Critics Down Under Point Out That Many Services Lack Classic Films

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While reclining in front of the television with TV remote controls in hand has long been a popular form of relaxation, this process has been revolutionized by the introduction of streaming services like Netflix. Unlike your traditional DVD player, these companies allow users to scroll through thousands of movies and shows featured on an internet-based platform. Moreover, now that Netflix and a similar program, Stan, have been brought to Australia, this method of watching television is becoming increasing ubiquitous. However, some Australian critics have mentioned at least one good reason users should hold on to their DVD remote controls and remember their DVD remote control codes: streaming services are noticeably lacking in classic movies.

In an editorial for the Australian Financial Review, technology lawyer Peter Moon could not deny the appeal and benefits of Netflix and Stan: he pointed out that both are well-priced for Australian viewers, well-designed, feature extensive libraries, make sign ups simple, and made the smart choice to offer users a free month without commitment. Moon did say that the technology itself might be a barrier for some, as Stan requires a Google Chromecast HDMI dongle or Apple TV to allow streaming; however, he predicted that even the rumors that Netflix Australia offers a fraction of the titles available on Netflix USA would be unable to slow the stream of users wanting to test out the service.

But Moon has another objection about both services’ libraries: he says that both Netflix and Stan are geared largely towards more recent releases, demonstrating a significant lack of the golden oldies. He pointed out that Netflix Australia offers no Cary Grant movies, only one Kubrick film, and even lacks “Some Like it Hot”, apparently a personal favorite. Stan fared somewhat better in his estimation, as it has its own Australian movies category. However, it also failed his expectations when it came to offering a host of classics.

When it came to delivery, Moon raved about both services, even with the bandwidth issues many of his fellow Australians are facing. However, he said that for either Netflix or Stan to take precedence, they would need to begin offering a wider selection of older movies. And while the rumors about the limited selection Down Under seem to be true, even American viewers have to admit that streaming services in the U.S. can also focus primarily on newer releases, giving classic films second billing. For this reason, Moon is correct in his statement that it is too soon to give up your DVD player remote and DVD remote control codes: while it might be preferable at times to scroll through hundreds of different titles, it is worth keeping a DVD collection on hand if it means watching old favorites and new, classic loves. Sure, programming a remote for this task can seem like a hassle, but you can easily find your DVD remote control codes online and complete the steps in just a few seconds.

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