For many kids, playing outside has been replaced by TV marathons, video games, and texting. But parents who want their kids to enjoy the sunshine and stay active will often use their backyard as a more productive alternative to the couch. As baseball legend Harmon Killebrew once said, “My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, ‘You’re tearing up the grass’; ‘We’re not raising grass,’ Dad would reply. ‘We’re raising boys.'” Before ever tearing up the grass however, you’ll need a nice lawn, and the best way to get one is to do a little bit of work in the spring time.
Now that spring is here and May is approaching, it is the time of year to work on the lawn so that grass will grow and stay green all summer. But before ever spreading fertilizer or tuning up the mower, you might want to install an Amish built shed. You’ll need a place for all of your tools and, if you’ve got a packed garage full of everything from stored Christmas decorations to sports equipment, then Amish sheds are the best option. They’ll give you the storage you need to store rakes, shovels, and other items so that your kids will never have to think twice about playing outside.
Amish built sheds are a great option because, in addition to giving you the extra storage space you need and adding a nice aesthetic touch to your yard, they are highly durable. A shed can be a hassle if you constantly have to make repairs and it gets damaged in every storm. Amish shed plans feature sturdy wood designs and they are always built to last. As a result, they will help make your investment a worthwhile one and make sure you’ll always be able to replace divots and damage to your lawn quickly.
There are probably thousands of reasons why kids choose to sit on the couch rather than play outside, and a nice lawn might not be high on the list. However, a lush green yard and comfortable outdoor space could very well make kids more enthusiastic about going outside. While there is certainly no guarantee they’ll become famous baseball players, using Amish storage sheds to make yard work easier will certainly help you build and maintain a great yard kids won’t mind leaving the couch for. Get more here: www.amishmike.com