Considerations For Getting Your Baby To Sleep

Becoming a new parent is an exciting and magical time for many people all throughout the country and the world. Bringing life onto this planet is a truly astounding experience to have, and the love that new parenthood brings is something that is most certainly unparalleled by the just about everything else out there in the world. However, this does not mean that the early days of parenting are all sunshine and roses. In fact, this is typically far from the case.

After all, newborn babies need a lot of care, especially in the first few months of life. When they are born, newborns require an immense amount of sleep, sleeping an average of 16 hours out of the day and only remaining awake for very short periods of time. This continues even into the toddler years, when up to 14 hours of sleep (and a minimum of 12) are needed for health and happiness. After all, babies and young children are growing quite rapidly indeed, and this is something that requires a good deal of time resting to be accomplished.

But for newborns, patterns of sleep are not yet able to be established, leading to many a sleepless night for the parents. This can be linked to a number of different reasons. For one thing, the average newborn has not yet developed a circadian rhythm – and will not until they have passed two months of age. This means that they can’t yet differentiate between day and night, waking up and sleeping only by the rules of their stomach.

Because newborn babies need to be fed – a lot. This is due to the small nature of their stomachs. Though the stomach will stretch and grow quite rapidly in the first few days of life, a typical newborn will still need to eat at least once every three hours. For mothers who are breastfeeding, this is important for establishing a strong and consistent milk supply as well. But altogether, this leaves many parents with far too little sleep – and all too ready to go through the process of training your baby to sleep once the child in question reaches an appropriate age.

Getting your child on a schedule is essential, though any kind of schedule is not really possible in the earliest of day. But as any baby sleep trainer Los Angeles or in any other part of the country will be able to tell you, going through the process of baby sleep coaching can actually begin much earlier than many people actually realize. Actually, getting a bedtime schedule in place is something that the typical baby sleep trainer Los Angeles will recommend doing by the time that the baby in question has reached around two or three months of age. Just having the schedule in place, a baby sleep trainer Los Angeles will tell you, can be quite hugely beneficial indeed for providing a structure and sense of routine that will come in handy in the months that are to follow.

And this routine will be needed not just for bedtime (though perhaps the bedtime routine is the most important) but for nap times as well, which will become more structured by around six months of age. This is due to the case that during the second half of the first year, babies typically take two hour or two long naps throughout the course of the day, making the nap time period easier to set a routine around. Eventually, in the toddler years, this will drop down to just one nap a day and then to no naps at all.

If you’re struggling to get these routines to work, hiring a baby sleep trainer Los Angeles can help. Someone like a baby sleep trainer Los Angeles can make a huge impact in your child’s or children’s sleep schedule, making it all the easier for YOU to sleep as well. And when you’re getting enough sleep yourself, you’ll find that the whole world seems quite different indeed – everything seems just a bit better and easier to manage. Ultimately, the aid of a baby sleep trainer Los Angeles is well worth whatever this baby sleep trainer Los Angeles might charge.

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