There are 30,861 private schools in the United States, serving 5.3 million PK to 12 students. With so many private schools, how do you choose the right one for your child? You have already learned of the benefits of the best day schools and now you need to choose the right program. As you begin your school search, keep these tips in mind.
Location of the school
While driving a short distance for a better quality education is doable, you don?t want to choose something that is too far from your house. You will have to drop off and pick up your child every day for the next could of years. Additionally, if they need to come home early for any reason, you might make even more daily trips. Your child will also develop relationships with the students they go to school with. It is better to have friends in the local area.
The tuition of the school
Private school rates vary drastically. You want to choose one of the best day schools that you can comfortably afford. Otherwise, you will struggle for years to send your child to school. If you have multiple children in school, it can get even more difficult to afford. If you plan on sending your child to college, it is important to choose a day school that is affordable and still allows you to put away money for their college education. In some cases, a higher tuition rate does not necessarily mean a better quality education. Make sure you are comparing the cost with the ratings and offering of the school program.
What programs the school offers
If you are choosing the best day schools based on programs that the school offers, you will also want to compare these programs. For example, if your child is attending a private school to further their dance career, make sure you choose a program with the best dance teachers and dance career opportunities. You will find that private schools have art high school programs, dance programs, and other performing arts programs.
The quality of the teachers
The teachers are going to be an extremely important part of your child?s academic success. If you are going to pay for a better quality of education, make sure the teachers are highly qualified. Request information about how the school chooses its teachers. Do they require a masters or Ph.D. degree? Do they require previous teaching experience? What model of teaching does the majority of teachers on staff use? Asking these questions will give you a better idea of what type of education you can expect.
The resources provided to the students
Academic resources help students learn. One of the problems with public schools is that they often do not have a high enough budget to provide students with the extra learning resources. Find out what is included in your tuition. Will your child have access to computer labs? Will they get their own personal laptop? Can they rent out musical equipment? Do they have access to learning assistance? The best private schools usually have a good amount of learning resources available to its students. Parents of 80% of students currently enrolled in a religious private school program in 2011 to 2012 and 82% of students in other private schools reported being very satisfied with their child?s school. It is usually the extras, like the learning resources that increase the satisfaction of both the parent and the child.
Numerous studies show that private schools are extremely beneficial in promoting academic success. Now that you have decided that you want to take advantage of these academic benefits, it is time to choose the best day schools. These factors will help you evaluate your private school options and choose the best one for your child.