Give Back By Donating Your Old Clothes

Donation pick up va

With the warm weather upon us, now is the perfect time to to clean those old winter clothes out of your closets. The change of the seasons is the perfect to reflect on your wardrobe. When you see drawers and closets full of ill-fitting clothes, or maybe just fashions you are bored of, it’s an ideal opportunity for clothing donations for non profit organizations. With an estimated 99% of clothing thrown away being material that could have potentially been recycled, or reused, charitable clothing donations not only helps the less fortunate, but it’s also good for the environment! With an estimated 12 million tons of clothing being thrown away each year, clothing donations can free up a lot of landfill space. Clothing donation isn’t just good for people in need, it’s good for the planet.

When preparing your donations for non profit organizations make sure you inspect your donations thoroughly. Go through the pockets of your clothing donations to make sure they are free of personal effects. Charities are used to finding money and jewelry in pockets of donated clothing, and although they do attempt to return them to the original owner that is not always possible. And, even though organizations that accept clothing donations will take dirty clothes, it is preferable for your charity donations to come in clean. It improves the chances of the clothing being used, as well as cuts down on the amount work for the charity.

Finally, when preparing donations for non profit organizations, look for specific items that are always of a special help. When looking to donate clothes realize items such as jeans and denim, quality shoes, and professional clothing are always a premium.

There are a variety of ways to donate, so find one that’s convenient for you. Drop off boxes are a popular option, however if you are looking for a receipt you need to hand off your donation to an actual person. Try using charities that pick up clothing donations in order to do good from the comfort of your own home!

Regardless of how you choose to donate, re-purposing your clothing is a great way to help those in need.

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