Giving Back to Those in Need – 4 Reasons Why You Should Donate Your Old Things

Clothing donation

Every year, the average American throws away nearly 70 pounds of clothing an textiles. Instead of tossing the things you no longer use, consider donating them. Donation centers and drop off boxes are in almost every community. You may have passed by one hundreds of times without thinking of the impact you could make. Here are four reasons why you should donate clothes and household goods to those in need.

  1. They?re taking up valuable space.
    If you have a ton of clutter in your home, it might be a good idea to do a total clean-out and donate clothes and household items you no longer use. You?re just taking up valuable space by filling your closets with things you don?t have use for anymore. Take the old things you haven?t worn or touched in years to a clothing drop off center to donate it to those in need.
  2. Someone else could need the items more than you.
    There are so many needy families all across America. Extra clothing is always needed as the seasons change and donation centers are constantly looking for cold weather items like coats, gloves and scarves. Those who can?t afford to buy brand new will go to charity organizations or thrift shops to purchase necessary items at low costs, and your donations help to stock those stores.
  3. Teach your kids the importance of helping others by donating.
    Children?s items are needed as much as adult items are. Take the opportunity to teach your kids the importance of giving back by conducting a closet cleanout of their own. Sit down with your kids to go through the things they?ve outgrown to donate clothes to those who are without. Make a clothes donation pile and go to the drop off center together to show them how their donation helps.
    If there are toys your kids no longer play with, tell them how another little boy or girl would be happy to have that toy to reinforce the importance of giving to those in need.
  4. Donating items makes you feel great!
    There’s nothing like making a charitable donation to feel good about helping others. It’s important to give back to the needy and to your community and donating clothes is an easy way to do it. Especially during the holidays when everyone is focused on buying presents and giving gifts, you can make an impact without spending any money when you donate clothes and household items.

Find your local clothing drop off center and start donating today!

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