Installing a Fire Sprinkler System

In this video, you will learn about fire protection sprinkler system installation. Every year, over 4,000 people die of house fires in the US. Home fires can quickly fill a home with flames and smoke. The worst home fires tend to happen at night.

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Fire sprinklers contain fires. In many cases, they will put out the fire. A professional home fire sprinkler installer comes in. The sprinkler system needs enough pressure to be able to work. It needs 100psi, ideally. The solution to the water pressure issue is a 300-gallon water storage tank. The pipe specified for home fire sprinkler installation is heat resistant and less likely to melt than PVC pipes. When cutting holes in walls, holding a vacuum next to the drilling cuts down on dust. The basement is the main area that needs to be worked on. The rest of the sprinkler system is connected through horizontal tubing, that is installed in the walls. These areas are concealed so that it isn’t too visible. Pipes must be metal rather than plastic when they are installed in closets. This makes so that the pipes are virtually waterproof, ensuring that the water makes it from the basement up to the first floor for the sprinklers to work.

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