Learn All the Benefits of Purple Heart Clothing Donations

purple heart clothing donationDid you know that you can make a difference in someone’s life simply by donating something that you don’t use anymore? In addition to helping someone, you can declutter your home and improve the environment. You can do all this by donating something that you probably throw away without much thought or consideration.

In the United States, 10.5 million tons of clothes end up in landfills each year. On average, individual Americans throw away 70 pounds of clothes, linens, and other textiles each year. Many do not realize these items can be recycled. Additionally, many do not realize all the benefits of buying clothes from resale stores. For example, there are resale shops run by non-profits for veteran groups that allow you to make purple heart clothing donations. You can check your area to schedule a purple heart donation pick up if that is something that appeals to you.

There are numerous resale stores owned and run by non-profits. This means that the money made from clothing purchases goes to help others. Additionally, donating used clothes to non-profit resale shops fills their stores and enables them to make money from the sales. For example, purple heart clothing donations will provide inventory for purple heart resale stores, and the profit from store sales goes to the non-profit running the store.

In 2006 alone, over 2.5 billion pounds of fabric were donated to resale shops and kept out of landfills. Despite this impressive amount, the average American only donates approximating 25% of their used clothes. The majority of used clothes and other textiles are still going to landfills.

Donating your used clothes can support a non-profit and reduce landfill waste, which effectively reduces your carbon footprint. However, there are still more benefits to donating your used clothes. When donating to a non-profit that is granted tax-exempt status under section 501© of the Internal Revenue Code, you’ll be able to use your donation as a tax deduction.

According to IRS rules, you need to have a qualified appraisal of any single item if you are deducting more than $500. Otherwise, you can simply have a tax write off form/receipt from the charity to provide with your taxes when filing. If you have questions regarding charitable tax deductions, you can consult a certified accountant before filing your taxes.

So, how do you get started? Decluttering your closet is the first but often hardest step when you decide to donate your used clothes to charity. You can start by pulling out all the clothes that do not fit you. Then move on to any items that you have not worn in over six months. Depending on where you live you may have seasonal clothes that you haven’t worn in six months. However, if you go through an entire season and have seasonal clothes that you do not wear, you can likely get rid of them.

Finally, go through your remaining clothes and pull out anything you simply don’t love. It could be something that is in good condition and fits you fine, but you just don’t like wearing it for one reason or another.

Encourage your family members to go through their clothes as well. Getting rid of clothes you n longer need or don’t wear can create a huge sense of relief because it will reduce clutter and clear up space in your closet and dresser. You won’t have to look as long for the items you do love to wear, and you won’t have to worry about finding space for new clothes.

Purple heart clothing donations or clothing donations to any non-profit resale store will reduce waste and clutter, reduce your carbon footprint, benefit you financially when filing your taxes and help a worthy cause. There is really no reason not to donate your used clothes. In addition to allowing you to schedule a pickup, purple heart clothing donations can be made at a number of drop-off locations.

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