Old Threads Taking Up Space? Give Back to Others and Donate Used Clothes

Places to donate clothes

Outside of dropping a crisp $100 bill in a homeless person’s lap, there aren’t many things that you can do to help the needy that are better than deciding to donate used clothes. There are tons of charitable organizations in your community that will accept any and all donations, giving them to those who are truly in need.

If you’re struggling to find a reason not to just throw your old clothes and toys out, here are three that may convince you to donate:

    Donating is easy. In 2015, you don’t even have to get off of your couch to make charitable donations. There are a number of online resources to find the right organization to donate used clothes, and there are even charities that will pick up donations directly from your home. There are over 1.5 million tax-exempt organizations across the country that willingly accept donations, so finding one should never be a problem.

    The economy is tough. It goes without saying that the recession is still in full effect, and most of the people who receive these donations are just hard on their luck and need a boost to get back on their feet. Fraud claims a new victim every 42 seconds, and over 13 million Americans had their identity stolen in 2013 alone. Many have had to sell most or all of their belongings just to stay afloat. When you donate gently used clothing, you’re giving someone in need a piece of their life back, and a stepping stone to get back to where they once were.

    You don’t need things you don’t use. This one seems obvious, but since a startling trend of unnecessary hoarding has been publicized on reality television, people are just now realizing that most of their “prized possessions” are actually worthless to them. Even when “hoarders” discard of old clothing, they sometimes throw it in the trash instead of simply donating it. It is estimated that 90% of textile waste is still usable and perfectly recyclable. Instead of letting these pile up in your closet just to eventually throw them away, make a commitment to donate used clothes. Be aware of the stuff you actually wear and the stuff that is just taking up space.

Now that you know how rewarding and easy it is to get involved and start helping families in need, go pack up all that old junk you’ve been storing in the attic and choose your favorite place to donate. You will feel a joyous sense of accomplishment, and may even save a few lives with a simple act of generosity.

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