The Benefits of a Trusted House Cleaning Service

You work hard at your job, and the last thing you may want to do is clean your home. Even though you know it’s important to keep your home clean, it may be difficult to keep up with housekeeping tasks. If your home isn’t as clean as you’d like it to be, and you want to invest in your mental health, it’s a good idea to hire a team that provides cleaning services.

According to Angi, standard cleaning services these companies offer include vacuuming or washing your floors. These cleaners also typically clean surfaces in each room (like counters, mantels, and tables). If you need additional cleaning services (such as laundry or window cleaning), ask your cleaners if they do these services for an extra fee. If you’re searching online for a cleaning service, check their ads to see if they provide those extra services.

When you’re looking for cleaners to hire, it can be hard to choose one solely based on their ads. Ask some of your neighbors for the best home cleaning service they know. Your local Chamber of Commerce may be able to provide you with a list of local cleaning services.
Your Local Chamber of Commerce May Be Able to Provide You With a List of Local Cleaning Services

Same-day maid service

Your environment has a decided impact on your attitude, productivity, and general quality of life. Those who live in dirty homes or work in dirty buildings have been shown to have increased depression or a lack of motivation. On the other hand, those who keep their homes and offices clean generally are more cheerful and productive. Although it is ultimately the individual’s choice whether they want to live in cleanliness or filth, we hope these paragraphs can persuade some to choose cleanliness.

Home Cleaning

Regularly cleaning windows, appliances, fixtures, and carpets can lead to a cleaner, happier home. Of course this takes time and a keen sense of prioritization in order to determine how often such chores need to be done. Sometimes there is simply not enough time to do everything at once, so some jobs get pushed back or forgotten entirely. For instance, 84% of Americans believe that a clean carpet is a must for having a clean home, but 22% of Americans think that their carpet is even dirtier than their toilet seat. This is likely because only 55% of Americans will clean their carpets according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s recommendation of once every six months or so.

Office Cleaning

Likewise, a clean office can help to make your employees happier and more productive. Studies have found that exposure to dust can actually negatively impact the cognition of workers by up to 6%. By keeping offices cleaned regularly, businesses can reduce employee absenteeism by up to 46%. Additionally, employees who work in a clean office will have an 80% reduced likelihood of catching either the common cold or influenza.

Maid Services

A family that cleans every day will save about 730 hours per year by hiring a trusted house cleaning service. There are about 894,920 maids in the country, so finding a maid service shouldn’t be a problem. Not only do cleaning services help residents and businesses save time, maids can help to reduce exposure to harmful cleaners, of which there are over 150 toxic cleaners used in households across the country. For safer, reliable cleaning, consider hiring a trusted house cleaning service to keep your home happier and sparkling.

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