Despite the rising costs a college education, millions of students continue to enroll in college each fall. In 2013, more than 6.8 million freshman enrolled in four-year colleges across the United States, and the number of students beginning college each year doesn’t appear to be slowing down.
In addition to the record number of undergraduate enrollments, more students than ever are deciding to enroll in graduate school. As a result of the increasing popularity of graduate school, more than 574,000 master’s degrees are rewarded by U.S. colleges each year. This seems to reflect a sentiment that the master’s degree is the new bachelor’s degree, as bachelor’s degrees are becoming almost as common as high school diplomas were 50 or 60 years ago.
Regardless of the latest trends in college and graduate degrees, or even if they end up actually help graduates to land jobs, students need a place to live. Although most colleges require underclassman to reside in campus housing for at least the first couple of years, students usually have the option of renting off campus apartments during their junior and senior years.
If students choose to live off campus, finding an apartment can be easy if they can avoid one of the common dangers lurking in every college town — the dreaded slum lord. Since some slumlords are widely known throughout the community, they are easy to avoid. However, you never know if someone else might end up a being a slumlord.
In order to avoid so-called “slumlords,” is is crucial that students spend their time looking at apartments for rent that they know will be taken care of. While they have to do their part, as well, it is always good to know that the landlord is committed enough to his or her property to have all repairs and maintenance done in a timely manner.
By the time you reach your junior year in college, the idea of living in off campus apartments rather than in campus student housing might seem attractive. Just as long as you do your research and take the proper precautions, off campus living can be a fun and cost-effective way to spend the last year or two of college.
Check out this website for more.