From landscape walkways to landscaping lighting to even landscape patio design, there are many additions that you can choose to include when updating your overall landscaping. And there are, of course, many smaller changes that can be made when updating your landscaping as well, something that any given landscaping design company will be able to advise you on. But first of all, it’s important to understand why your landscaping, and all that goes into it – from walkways to the trees you might choose to plant – matter far more than you might even consciously realize.
This is especially true if you’re planning on selling your home in the near future. As many people know, performing renovations to the interior of the home, such as bathroom and kitchen renovations, can increase the overall selling price of the home quite considerably. As a matter of fact, even just painting a bathroom blue can help the home to sell for an additional $5,400, though it is not known exactly why this is the case. Many people, however, don’t realize that updating the landscaping, such as through the addition of walkways, can be just as important.
But important it is, so much so that around 90% of all real estate agents actually recommended a landscaping project and landscaping update before the home is put up for sale. The addition of features like a walkway or even just the updating of something like the driveway or patio can actually raise the selling price of the home by a truly impressive nearly 15%, something that might not seem like all that much but will be more than worth it at the end of the day. Updates on landscaping, such as through the addition of walkways on the property, can actually have up to a 200% return on investment when they are conducted directly before the home is put up for sale.
Of course, the elements of landscaping that you choose to implement will make all the difference at the end of the day. You’ll want to include some elements of landscaping for purely aesthetic appeal, such as walkways and patios and porches, though these can also be used for practical purposes as well. A properly and carefully crafted walkway can add a certain feel and charm to your home, and walkways made up of pieces of stone have become particularly popular, especially on larger properties where such walkways can be used for the purpose of moving from one place in an outdoor space to the next.
The addition of trees can provide a great aesthetic appeal as well – but trees, when fully grown, are hugely beneficial in a number of other ways as well. In fact, trees can actually lower your cooling costs by as much as 50%, something that will make the purchase of any given tree more than worth it at the end of the day. And the air conditioner’s overall efficiency can even be increased by up to 10% when trees are properly planted on any given properly, something that is actually likely to even further increase total savings.
For many people, however, the process of landscaping can seem overwhelming and daunting, regarding everything from planting trees to maintaining gardens to putting in walkways. Fortunately, landscaping services by professional landscaping companies tend to be widely available all throughout the United States, and it is more likely than not that such a landscaping company will exist in your area, ready for hire at a relatively reasonable price for the services they can provide you. These landscaping services can provide everything from the basic care and keeping of your outdoor spaces to the renovations of any aspects of landscaping that might be in need of it and while this might cost a considerable sum of money, depending on the landscaping company in particular and the service that is needed, many people who do not have their own landscaping experience feel that it is more than worth it at the end of the day.
Landscaping is hugely important in the United States, there is no question about it.