Top Things to Check Before Signing a Lease

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Finding a new apartment is a long and involved process, and there are many things that can go unnoticed in the seemingly endless search for a place to live. Even the best apartments can have hidden issues that you won’t notice until after you’ve already moved in. The last thing you want is to have more to do after moving in. (It’s already stressful enough to have to unpack!) Here are a few things you should inspect before renting an apartment.

Floors, Walls, and Windows

When looking at a potential apartment rental, be sure to thoroughly inspect all of the surfaces in the apartment. Floors and walls should be clean, without any noticeable stains or holes. Make sure the windows can be easily opened or closed, and do not have any cracked glass. Take note of any minor damage that you notice, and be sure to take photographs of the damage before you move in, to avoid any liability issues when moving out.

The Neighbors

Apartment living can easily be ruined by bad neighbors. Before you rent an apartment, try to scope out the neighborhood and see if there are any potential neighbors whose lifestyle may conflict with your own. If looking into a city apartment, check the local area to make sure there aren’t any unexpected clubs or bars that can cause a ruckus and disrupt your sleep. A lot of litter in the neighborhood could also be a tip-off that it’ll be party central. Keep your eyes peeled.

Drawers and Cabinets

When looking at renting an apartment, be sure to check each drawer and cabinet. Open every individual drawer to make sure it’s functioning. A cabinet that has been painted over multiple times can be sticky, which make them difficult to open or close. It’s also important to check these areas for hidden signs of water damage or pests, such as termite damage or rodent droppings.

Don’t let things catch you by surprise when you find your next apartment. Being prepared will save you the strife in the future, and you’ll start the next chapter of your life off the right way. So get snooping!

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