Used Clothing Donation Centers Make It Easy to Give to Those Who Are Less Fortunate

Clothing donation center

Today it was only a bag of gently used mens dress socks.

Last week, however, it was a large bag of very nice children’s winter coats.

Sometimes it is an entire trunk full of household items, including kitchen utensils, linens, and home decorator items.
During the holiday season it may be just a few coins or a single dollar bill.
The individual items that you give to local charities and to places that accept Red Cross donations may not seem like much, but the reality is that over the course of a year you do tend to make a fairly significant contribution. Although there were years when you would take the time to hold a garage sale or try to sell items to a resale store, in the last five years you have made a point to donate the gently used items that you and your family are no longer using.
Red Cross Donations and Other Gifts Help People Who Are Living in Difficult Situations

American Red Cross clothing donations help many families recover from weather disasters, fires, and other emergency situations. In a time when more and more Americans find themselves struggling to get by, it should come as no surprise the used clothing donations and other items are very valuable. Receiving $687 million in private donations in the year 2014, the American National Red Cross is the 13th largest U.S. charity as ranked by private donations. With donation centers available in major cities as well as convenient ways to make monetary donations, the Red Cross is a charity that can help distribute its resources across the nation.
Consider some of these statistics about the charitable giving needs and habits of people across America:

  • $666.1 billion is contributed every year to the U.S. economy by non-profits.
  • 63% of high net worth donors indicate that ?giving back to the community? is a chief motivation for their giving.
  • The American Red Cross provides relief for families and communities in the form of blankets, food, blood and shelter 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • 70% of people in the U.S. give to charity each year, and some of these gifts are given in the form of Red Cross donations.
  • 3% of American income is given to charities each year.
  • Many charitable donations are tax deductible for the value of the items that are donated.

What will you do today to help someone who is less fortunate? What did you do yesterday? What will you do tomorrow? Many small acts of kindness and generosity can help you make a big impact in the lives who are less fortunate?

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