Your education stays with you for a lifetime. This holds true for fundamental skills like language and math. This holds true for artistic pursuits like theater and painting. Every little bit of knowledge taught over the years has a profound impact on which job you choose, where you move to and even how you treat people. When the sheer impact of an education’s influence has you worried about what you’re offering your child, it helps to explore your options before committing. The benefits of private school is one such choice that’s seeing a fantastic return for both parents and children.
Whether you want to send your teenager to an art high school or are wondering if you should look at private elementary schools instead of public options, you’ll be able to put some of your concerns to rest with the helpful list below.
What Are The Most Important Classes For My Child To Take?
The best education is a well-rounded one. You want your child to have the best possible chance at success when they start applying for work or heading to college once they graduate. English, math and science are pushed as core studies throughout the majority of schools, though they are far from the only classes your child should take. Foreign languages, health, drama, sports and music are all fantastic contributors to an emotionally healthy and creative child. Studies have shown children who attend preschool do 20% better on both math and reading in kindergarten than those who did not.
What Are Common Learning Hurdles For Children?
Every journey on the path to knowledge is fraught with unique challenges. Some children struggle with social anxiety and have a difficult time connecting with their peers. Yet others try to avoid specific subjects, like math or English, because of a perceived lack of ability. This is where the benefits of private schools comes in. Rather than treating every child like a number on a list, the smaller classroom sizes combined with a higher academic standard than many public schools makes private schools a solid choice for countless families across the country. There are over 30,000 private schools in the United States as we know it.
What Are The Benefits Of Private Schools?
Did you know over 85% of private schools have less than 300 students? This creates a more intimate learning environment where teachers are encourage to have dynamic one-on-one relationships with their students, all the better to make sure no child is left stranded during their formative years. Private schools account for nearly 25% of the nation’s schools and currently enroll 10% of all students between preschool and the 12th grade. You won’t have to look far to find the best middle schools or fine arts high school to support your child’s dreams for the future.
What Do Parents Think Of Private Schools?
Not only are the benefits of private schools felt strongly by students with unique approaches to learning, so too are they much lauded by parents. A recent survey saw over 80% of parents who have recently sent their children to private schools being ‘very happy’ with the academic standards put in place. Another study provided by the Fraser Institute saw nearly 73% of the parents surveyed saying they felt the private school they chose is very safe for their children to attend. With a supportive class structure, high academic structure and safe environment, the advantages of private schools can’t be beat.
Are Private High Schools The Best Option For My Children?
With the job market more tenuous than ever and many colleges only continuing to raise their standard for admission, you want to give your child every tool possible to ensure they succeed. According to data provided by the NCES, an impressive 90% of private high school students applied for college. Compare and contrast this with public high schools, where the number sits at just 65% on average. With higher academic standards, to boot, your child has a much higher chance of being accepted. From the performing arts schools in Florida to the university you both dream of, private schools can get you both there.