Before you know it, the leaves will start to change colors, the temperature will drop, and the holiday season will be just around the corner. If you haven’t done your part in giving back to your community this year, now is the perfect time to start.
Donating clothing to charity is the easiest thing you can do to change the lives of people in need and give their family the holiday experience they deserve. In 2015, there are even organizations that pick up donations, so you don’t even have to get off the couch to help the needy. Here are three incredible benefits that may motivate you to donate clothes before the holidays are here:
Help your neighbor. Your charitable clothing donations go directly to people in your community who are down on their luck and don’t have the means to buy gifts for their loved ones. According to CNN, there is a new victim of identity fraud every 42 seconds, and everybody is still struggling as a result of the recent recession. Sometimes, the people you’re helping are literally your neighbors who are too proud to directly ask you for help and instead seek the assistance of charitable organizations.
Save the environment. Donating clothes to charity does more than save lives in the present. It also helps save lives in the future and provide generations to come with a better world to live in. The average person generates about 4.5 pounds of trash per day, and 70% of recyclable waste is thrown in the garbage. When it comes to clothing, a shockingly-high 90% of textile waste is thrown in the trash when it could be recycled. Your gently used threads could easily be repurposed for a good cause instead of being another burden on the environment.
Improve your closet space. Everybody has that one room in the house that is reserved for things you never use anymore. Clean it out by donating clothing to charity and find news ways to use the room. You’d be amazed at how large your attic or basement really is when it isn’t flooded to the roof with old college sweatshirts and sports jerseys. You can finally have that exercise room you always wanted without taking out a loan to build one.
These are just a few of the endless benefits of donating clothing to charity. You can find an organization near you that will deliver your gently used goods to people who wouldn’t otherwise have presents to give their children during the holidays. It’s a rewarding experience that you will never forget.