Home Filters are a Tasty and Eco-Friendly Alternative to Plastic Bottles

Every day, Americans use roughly 346,000 million gallons of freshwater for everything from staying hydrated at the gym to watering lawns. But though the vast majority is able to simply turn on the faucet when they need a drink, many are unhappy with the quality of their water. Because of that, they often turn to plastic bottles for their drinking water. But the bottled water industry uses about 17 million barrels of oil every year and the bottles themselves contribute to litter and pollution problems. So if you want better drinking water without harming the environment, then installing a water filter is your best option.
There are several different types of water filters that you can put in your kitchen to make sure every glass you pour is fresh, clean, and tasty. In some homes, a bottleless countertop water dispenser, much like you might see in an office, could be used while other families will have big jugs with filters attached that they fill up occasionally and leave in the fridge. Any choice is a nice alternative to poor-tasting tap water and excessive pollution.
One of the easiest water filtration options are faucet-mounted filters. They are a great choice for a number of reasons. First, you don’t have to worry about filling large containers that take up space in your fridge when they run out. On top of that, the only work you’ll have to do after they are installed is change the filter itself every now and then. That is a lot easier than worrying about keeping the container in your fridge filled or waiting for slow-dripping filters to give you a whole glass.
In some homes, particularly those who use well water because they do not have access to water treated by public utilities, in home water filtration systems might be the only realistic choice. Though they might be more expensive and harder to install than smaller water filters, they make sure water quality is high from every faucet. And they are a must for homeowners who want to make sure no toxins or contaminants get into the water and harm their family.
While there might be some questions about the validity of whether or not bottled water companies provide water that is actually any better than what comes out of your faucet, there is no denying the fact that the use of disposable bottles is bad for the environment. So water filters that are good for improving quality and helping to reduce litter will always prove to be a great investment.