Kids Teach Us A Thing or Two About Supporting Our Troops

Charities that pick up donations

Teachers and parents are asking children to take a few moments to remember our troops. Adorable — and often unintentionally funny — letters express kids’ support and thanks. “Thank you for fighting for our country. I love the color camo. I am nine. Why did you want to go to the military? Thank you for dieing for our country. I love American flags. Do you ever stop working?” one such letter begins. “I love that every hour of every day you fight for our lives. I respect my veterans. How long do you have to sleep?” Similarly, Americans can take a leaf out of kids’ books and give back to troops — without spending a great deal of money or committing unreasonable amounts of time.

Donate Clothes Without Leaving Your Home

There are several charities that pick up clothing donations right from your home. If your schedule is especially hectic, do a little bit of research to find an organization that will come to you. Keep in mind that some organizations also accept charitable donations at convenient, communal locations, such as schools, office buildings, or churches.

Offer Your Help, and Be Creative About It

Sometimes, it can be really awkward to ask for help — even if you desperately need it. The same holds true for military husbands and wives. Take the burden off their shoulders by proactively offering to help. Make it low-key — and take the awkwardness out of the situation — with a little creativity. Draw up coupons good for “two hours of help with household chores,” “two hours lawn mowing,” or “one night of babysitting,” one military mom suggests. Stow the coupons in gift baskets, and give the whole bundle to military spouses on holidays, birthdays, and special occasions.

Get Your Neighbors In On It

It can be overwhelming for any one person to bear the burden of any charitable effort. Ask friends, family, and neighbors to join in — and lend a hand to events and charitable donations. Team up with the neighbors to put together a summer barbecue — or potluck dinner — benefiting military, military families, and/or veterans.

Stop making excuses. Brainstorm inexpensive and convenient ways to support troops — like donating from home or organizing a group event — and do it.

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