Small sheds are increasingly popular in the United States. For about 77% of Americans, small sheds are just additional storage space for garden tools and various odds and ends. But for that last 23%, small sheds can be used for backyard yoga studios, a children’s playhouse, a “she shed” for mom to get away from those children, and tons more inventive DIY ideas. But no matter what you’re using those small sheds for, if you aren’t careful, they can quickly turn into a pile of wood and rubbish.
So if you want to make sure your garden or Amish built shed lasts for decades to come, here are the biggest threats to be aware of:
1. Bugs, Rodents, Reptiles, And All Things Creepy, Crawly
If you live in the Southwest, scorpions can hide from the scorching sun in your vinyl garden boots. If you live in the Northeast, squirrels, mice, rats, and various other rodents can take up residence. And no matter where you live, you’ll have to wage a constant battle against spiders. Some unlucky homeowners have even opened the doors to their shed to find a hornet or wasp nest inside.
If you want to keep small sheds pest and spider free, then you’ll want to apply pesticide or natural insecticide regularly. Also, avoid eating or keeping food in sheds. Crumbs and other foodstuffs will attract bugs, which will attract spiders, which will attract birds, which will attract snakes, and so on, until the entire food chain is living in your shed and you’re fighting off sharks and grizzly bears every time you want to do a little gardening! Okay, maybe we got a little carried away, but you do need to be proactive to ward off pest infestations.
In addition to pest treatments, keep vegetation from growing up against the walls of small sheds. Also, trim any tree branches resting on the roof.
2. Inclement Weather
Again, depending on what region of the country you live in, you’ll have different kinds of extreme weather events to contend with. For those in northern states, you’ll want to make sure your Amish built sheds and garages are waterproofed and sealed up for the winter (and winter thaw). For those in the Midwest, you’ll want to ensure your wooden sheds are properly grounded so they don’t blow away when the wind starts to blow.
3. Thieves
Sadly, in addition to thieving rodents, human thieves have been known to burglarize garden sheds when homeowners are out of town, or even if they’re home asleep. If you have windows on your shed, then make sure expensive power tools and other valuables are kept out of sight. Make sure you have a lock installed on any doorways. And most importantly, if you have expensive tools you don’t want to get stolen, set up motion lighting in your backyard to scare off potential intruders.
If there’s one threat we’ve left off the list, it’s the simple wear and tear that comes with age. But if you properly care for the small sheds you use to store garden tools or do backyard yoga, then they can last for almost as long as your home does.