While some people think of summer as the season of swimming pools and backyard BBQs, for others, it represents one simple thing: the opportunity binge watch Orange Is the New Black. Everyone’s favorite Netflix show has found its home in June, and millions of Americans find themselves unplugging from everything else to get lost in a prison in upstate New York. They key to this binge, however, is good preparation. To learn about the three keys to successfully binge watching Orange Is the New Black this summer, keep reading.
1) Comfort The first, and most essential part of a binge watch is making sure you have an adjustable bed mattress. An adjustable bed mattress is so key because if you are going to be spending 13 hours staring at a TV or computer screen, you need to be sure you are comfortable while doing so. An adjustable bed mattress, like one from the line of Craftmatic® Adjustable Beds and Adjustable Mattresses, is key to this comfort. Whether you a twin adjustable bed kind of person or need the roomy space of a king size adjustable bed, you will love the fact that you can position the back so that it feels like a chair or couch. Plus, when you need to take a brief nap (sleep is important!) you can lift up the head or foot of the bed to help prevent leg cramping and pain. Adjustable mattresses help to take the pressure off of your body that can make sleep less than idea, so do not attempt a Netflix binge without this essential.
2) Food Like with all parts of life, the importance of snacks can never be underestimated. In order to make it successfully through 13 hours of TV goodness, you need to have the essentials covered: Lots of liquids, snacks that satisfy your salty and sweet cravings, and few items that are vaguely nutritious to help you have enough stamina to stick it out. Try things like chocolate covered pretzels dipped in almond butter-salty, sweet, and a healthy dose of fat and protein as well. Make sure you follow this with plenty of water. Bathroom breaks are, after all, the reason that the Netflix pause button was invented. Remember, this is a marathon-not a sprint.
3) Company Now whether or not you binge alone is perhaps the most difficult choice you will have to make all summer long. This is a choice that no one else can make for you. You have to dig deep down in yourself to figure out if you want anyone to see you as you nest in your bed with the entire contents of your fridge. If you do, you need to do some critical thinking about who that person is. Your partner, best friend, or sister are all good options, but make sure you are ready to commit to an entire series with someone. That’s a big deal.
As the temperature continues to rise and your social media timelines start to fill with news of Orange Is the New Black, keep these three tips in mind to make sure you have the best binge ever.