What Do You Need to Know Before You Begin Sleeping in an Adjustable Electric Bed? Find Out Now!

adjustable electric bedHave you recently purchased an adjustable bed, or are you thinking of getting one? If so, you’ve joined the many people across the world who understand the importance of better quality sleep. Adjustable beds give you the option to control which position you sleep in, which means that you can reduce chronic pain and avoid the discomfort of tossing and turning. However, this is a big change if you’ve only slept on a flat mattress before, so it’s important to understand the benefits of your adjustable bed before you begin using one.

What will you need to know about before using an adjustable bed? Here are three things you’ll need to keep in mind before you begin using one of these beds:
Figure out how to adjust your mattress.
One of the most important things you’ll need to know when buying an adjustable electric bed is how it functions. Those who have slept on flat mattresses have never needed to alter those beds in any way. The advantages of adjustable beds, however, are numerous when it comes to finding the best position to sleep in.

Let yourself play around with the settings of your bed, so you can find the most optimal comfort levels. You should be able to adjust your chest, neck, and head with one control and your legs with another, so you can sleep in a way that will best alleviate your pain.

Sleep in ways that will prevent discomfort.
Another thing you’ll need to understand about your adjustable bed is that it is designed to prevent cramping and discomfort during the night and upon waking. For example, many people are side-sleepers, but this actually puts too much pressure on the spine during the night. As a result, sleeping all curled up can actually do more harm than good, especially for those who suffer from chronic pain.

Once you have your adjustable bed, make sure that you use it the way it was intended. The National Sleep Foundation reports that back and neck pain, TMJ, and headaches are the most common reasons for disrupted sleep, and these symptoms may be relieved by paying attention to the proper use of an adjustable bed.

Understand the optional heating and massaging features.
Adjustable electric beds don’t just have adjustable mattresses that can raise your torso or legs. They also come with other options to keep you comfortable during the night. Craftmatic® brand adjustable beds can come equipped with optional heat and massage functions, for instance. These features can provide temporary relief from conditions such as low back pain, minor aches and pains due to muscular fatigue or overexertion, edema or swelling of the legs, poor local blood circulation of the legs, symptoms of hiatus hernia, nighttime heartburn, and symptoms of gastric reflux.

Additionally, the heating accessory itself may provide temporary relief from mild arthritis and joint pain, as well as muscle pain associated with stress and tension. Sleeping in an upright position, which is an option when using an adjustable electric bed, may even reduce or ease light and occasional snoring.

In short, there are numerous benefits to sleeping on an adjustable bed, especially if you have a chronic condition that keeps you up at night. Make sure you’re well-versed in how your adjustable bed works, so you can get the best sleep possible.

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