Are you a serious investor looking for a hard, long-term investment? Then you’re likely already aware that many members of the investor class have already started placing their money in ranch land. Unlike smaller farms, ranches are typically situated on much, much large acreages, and contain enough grass and pasture land to support grazing animals like cattle, sheep, and horses. However, that doesn’t mean all ranches are devoted strictly to raising livestock. There are also hunting and luxury ranches operating as resorts for tourists. Finally, there are hybrid operations, which actively raise cattle or horses while also earning income from visitors.
So what makes ranch land for sale such an attractive investment to so many? Unlike farms, grass pastures usually require far less expensive inputs, like the pesticides, fertilizers, and watering systems needed to raise cash crops. The best such land for sale naturally produces enough native grasses each year to support a certain number of cattle.
Looking ahead, most investors anticipate ranches providing a stable place to invest money for decades to come. That’s because we will have to produce much more food to support a growing global population. Countries like China have a fast-growing middle class that’s already importing tons of U.S. meat products, and so grazing land will likely continue to be a stable investment.
Plus, there are a variety of ways to generate income from a ranch, providing a number of opportunities for savvy investors. First, prime ranch land will likely grow in value over time, even without further investment in farming or cattle rearing activities. Many investors also choose to hire a skilled ranch operator to manage the day-to-day needs of the land and livestock, while others instead rent out the use of their land to other ranchers. Still others take a hands-on approach, leaving Manhattan or Los Angeles behind to fully immerse themselves in the direction of their investment.
That’s why we’ve seen the rise of ranch management companies in recent years. As hedge funds and other big-name investors buy up valuable ranch land, there’s a growing need for skilled managers to act as caretakers for the land. After all, there aren’t many professional investors with an insider’s knowledge of raising cattle.
If you’re considering making an investment in ranch land, then you’ll want to locate a real estate company that specializes in the sale of large ranches for sale. Although you can find ranches in many U.S. states, the most attractive ranches are located in California, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and Texas.