Spring is upon us, and there’s no better time to begin cleaning out everything that no longer has a place in your life. Old clothing, especially, tends to stick around in closets forever, and often without good reason. No, that garment probably won’t come back in style, and if it hasn’t fit you for the past five years, it probably won’t in the future.
The good news, however, is that there are people who can benefit from donations of clothing, and pre-loved items are A-OK with most charity organizations. But before you get ready to haul your donations to a local charity on your own, consider using a service that will pick up clothing donations instead. Why have someone else gather your donations for you? Here are three reasons to donate to a charity that will pick up clothing donations right at your door:
1. You’ve done a lot of work already: You cleaned out your closets, and maybe even those of your children or family members. That means the hard part is over with, right? If you’re planning on dragging several large bags of clothing to your nearest clothing drop off center, then you still have a lot of work ahead of you. By using a service that offers clothing donation pick up, you can rest easy knowing that your donations will go to people that truly need them.
2. Having to drop off clothing yourself is inconvenient: If you work long hours or have a busy schedule in general, it can be difficult to make it to your local charity center. By calling a charity that will pick up clothing donations right at your door, you have an easy way of donating to charity. Just schedule an appointment for pick up and a driver will arrive at a designated time to haul away your donations.
3. Taking advantage of a pick up service benefits workers. Many of the workers at your local charities may also have been recipients of others’ goodwill at one point or another. In order to help them continue earning a living on their own, using these services and donating to them is of the utmost importance. The more you help, the more you can help yourself and others do good for the world.
Clothing donations are also an environmental solution to pollution problems throughout the world. By giving your gently used clothing donations to charity, you ensure that these items don’t get wasted in landfills and instead go to families who need them the most. Around 99% of the clothing that winds up in the trash could have been salvaged, but only around 15% of it is ever fully recovered. To keep the Earth clean and green, make sure to consider giving to your local clothing donation charities.