What is the Value of Charitable Donations? 3 Examples of Who Your Donations are Helping

The holiday season is fast-approaching, and the giving spirit is permeating communities throughout the country. When you’re making a gift list this year, consider the value of charitable donations and how much of an impact your goodwill can have on the holiday experience of the less fortunate.
expect. Your clothing donations are often some of the only gifts that less fortunate families have to exchange, and you’d be surprised at how many people in your area depend on these donations to have a normal holiday. Here are just a few of the important individuals that benefit from your used clothing donations, and how it affects their holiday season:
Families just like your own. Often times, the people you’re helping are friends and neighbors that have simply fallen on hard times. The economy is still going through a lull, and identity theft is more common than ever. The best part about providing these families with gifts for the holidays is that it truly costs you nothing. The average American throws away nearly 70 pounds of clothing every single year, and most of this is more than suitable to donate and spread joy to worthy families in your community.
Veterans. The value of charitable donations also lies in its ability to aid those who have sacrificed so much for our country. Veterans are often overseas for months or years on end, and returning home to financial distress is not uncommon. You have the unique ability to help these veterans re-assimilate and provide them with the simple joy of having gifts to give their spouses and children. It truly is the least that we can do as a society to thank them for their service, courage, and mental fortitude.
Your own family. In addition to helping the less fortunate members of your community, consider how donating will make a positive impact on your life. For starters, the feeling of doing the right thing and giving back to your community is simply incomparable. It’s also a great lesson to teach your children, and they typically enjoy the process of sorting through old clothes to find things they’re willing to donate. Also, you’ll be privy to some unique tax benefits by donating used clothes. Savvy givers only support groups granted tax-exempt status under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and a standard men’s overcoat could be worth up to $60 as a tax write-off.
The value of charitable donations is different for everyone, and you may find yourself relating to one or all of the above groups of people. Come up with your own reasons to donate and do your part in helping those who need it the most this holiday season.